Riding on the Wind Posted on 06/28/2021 by Michael Gray The curtains are stirring and I know that something is about to start, as in the moments before the conductor’s baton raps against the...
I’m Just So Tired Posted on 06/21/2021 by Michael Gray I know what you’re thinking. You’re assuming that the email, apparently sent to yourself from yourself, must have been a prank from someone who...
Wheeling Along Posted on 06/14/2021 by Michael Gray I imagine that I am being woven by life, for life, of life. I wish I could sail along with the flow of what...
Where are we Investing? Posted on 06/08/2021 by Michael Gray What we choose to invest in indicates something about how we view the future, especially when our choices reflect personal aspirations and concerns. And...
Strumming the Strings of Hope Posted on 06/03/2021 by Michael Gray Perhaps some of you will be interested in reading an essay of mine published by ReVisions–a Journal of Consciousness and Transformation, in which I...