Caught in the Act of World Creation Posted on 12/28/2021 by Michael Gray Early this morning, I awoke in a dream. I was in a washroom of the kind you find in public buildings, when a man...
They Didn’t Seem Human Posted on 12/19/2021 by Michael Gray I recently became aware of the true danger of writing off other people because they have different views than me. Dismissing the value of...
Must be Present to Win Posted on 12/14/2021 by Michael Gray Each morning, I read some pages to settle my mind and sit for 30 minutes before diving into my day. Over many months, I’ve...
Intertwined Posted on 12/06/2021 by Michael Gray “When unknown and known are seen to be intertwined and mutually supporting, new knowledge arises, open knowledge.” Keys of Knowledge. Page 154. You can...