Dumpy’s Way–a Turtle Poem by Ken McKeon Posted on 01/31/2015 by Michael Gray The turtle’s name was dumpy, It pawed away and nosed up the spare Dry turf beneath the loose wire fencing That kept our small...
Being Mansanto Posted on 01/27/2015 by Michael Gray Something incredible arrived in yesterday’s mail. Inside a five-pound flat of chocolates, I found a manila folder containing a sheath of legal papers. At...
Be Here Now Posted on 01/20/2015 by Michael Gray The Time, Space, Knowledge vision offers a new way to “Be Here Now”—a way that runs deeper and wider than what is possible when...
A WESTERN TALE, AN UPDATE–Poem by Ken McKeon Posted on 01/16/2015 by Michael Gray The way the old time long ago childhood tales had it, The rip-snorting gun-toting hard riding cowboy named Joe Rode into a just framed...
Limitations Posted on 01/06/2015 by Michael Gray “If we consider lower space as a chamber, then meanings might be thought of as echoes which sound out its walls. But in fact...