How Can I Prepare? Posted on 02/11/2024 by Michael Gray It occurs to me that there are at least two ways I could be unprepared for my own death; and perhaps I should try...
Another Duck in the Rain Posted on 10/19/2020 by Michael Gray A friend of mine told me the other day that he avoids saying he has Parkinson’s; and he is certain that his refusal to...
Singing to the Choir Posted on 04/15/2020 by Michael Gray I had an experience this weekend, which I suspect that I inflict on others all the time: treating my personal perspectives as if they...
Love Letter to the Present Moment Posted on 07/30/2019 by Michael Gray I wish you were here. It’s hard to really enjoy myself without you. I try to be open to your presence but my mind...
Another Dawning Posted on 02/19/2019 by Michael Gray This morning, I skimmed through my journal entries since late November last year. I was looking for something that could start me on a...
Attending a Funeral Posted on 08/28/2018 by Michael Gray I attended a funeral at a Catholic church last week, and I felt like a spectator at an ancient dramatic performance in which costumes,...
“Time—Enter Stage Right” Posted on 04/10/2018 by Michael Gray “But the plan of action is determined And the end irrevocably sealed. I am alone; all round me drowns in falsehood: Life is not...
Stay at Home Travel Plans Posted on 03/07/2018 by Michael Gray Today I must visit him. No more equivocations. No more looking in the mirror and seeing a young man looking back, as if time...
Do Dolphins Dream of Eclectic Sleep? Posted on 10/31/2017 by Michael Gray Like sharks, dolphins cannot experience REM sleep. For different reasons, neither species can ever fall asleep in comfortable stillness, and leave their day time...
A Rising Tide Posted on 05/16/2017 by Michael Gray Last week I met with some fellow writers, as I do twice a month. Looking back, I find myself wondering why it felt especially...