Up Ahead, Going On, Over With Posted on 02/23/2016 by Michael Gray We’re always in the midst of things. Even if we feel that life has shoved us off to one side, and we are spinning...
Adieu, Ann Paden. Posted on 02/14/2016 by Michael Gray The news that Ann Paden has died arrived this week—shared among mutual friends and in a caring memorial written by her son on Facebook:...
Mythic Mountain Posted on 02/09/2016 by Michael Gray We are Elder Brother and our mountain is the navel of the world. To the north and to the south, Younger Brother is free...
Looking Both Ways Posted on 02/03/2016 by Michael Gray We can’t help but compare ourselves with others—their accomplishments, their looks, their virtues. Perhaps we just need to be true to our inner self....