This Time of Year Posted on 12/26/2024 by Michael Gray It’s ‘the holidays’ again. It can seem strange that the phrase “the holidays” refers to just two of many official days when there is...
Flying Freely Posted on 12/16/2024 by Michael Gray “Do your thoughts fly freely? If not, the regime of mind holds you in its grip.” —Gesture of Great Love, Tarthang Tulku, page 24....
Raven Knows Posted on 12/09/2024 by Michael Gray A trunk by itself is nothing Concentric circles locked in place Big zeros and little zeros Marking time, polarizing space But add branches, add...
Water Trickling from a Rock Posted on 11/27/2024 by Michael Gray This morning, while ‘meditating’, I turned on the lamp beside the couch where I sit, not once but twice. Both times, I hoped to...
Flying Leaves Posted on 10/29/2024 by Michael Gray It’s not just that I am stardust from an exploding supernova that cloaked our planet with a tapestry of living beings. It’s not just...
Almost There Posted on 09/11/2024 by Michael Gray I’m in a speedboat churning through the water at full throttle, crossing a lake. This lake seems to be larger than I thought. Near...
Small Blessings Posted on 08/27/2024 by Michael Gray If my days are numbered I seem to have lost count If some memories are true And others not, I can’t tell them apart...
Coming Home Posted on 08/20/2024 by Michael Gray Walking on a foreign shore, Mist intermingling with each breath, A traveler can’t understand How at home he feels. With no next moment, And...
Moonlight at the Center Posted on 08/02/2024 by Michael Gray Whether we actually practice being at the center of our experience, or simply try to pay attention to our feelings and thoughts as they...
A New Road Posted on 07/15/2024 by Michael Gray I turned 82 today and it seems a good occasion to give some thought to the future. Of course, like many of us, my...