Catching a Few Dreams Posted on 04/28/2024 by Michael Gray This morning, I got out of bed before I had time to notice that I was awake and that my body felt uncomfortable, which...
Independence, but from What? Posted on 08/24/2023 by Michael Gray I have to remind myself to feel grateful that I live in a country which has enshrined in its founding documents the ideals of...
Stations along the Way Posted on 05/18/2023 by Michael Gray This morning I read a few sentences about the body’s “energy centers” (also called the “cakras”), which line up along the front of the...
Communications from the Field Posted on 05/01/2018 by Michael Gray “To live your life is not to cross a field.” Hamlet poem in Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak The edition of “Dr. Zhivago” that showed...
Dialogue is not a One Way Street Posted on 03/15/2016 by Michael Gray A geometry of communication came into my mind the other morning. I was thinking about how a book, written by a local author who...
Graceful Aging. Posted on 09/29/2015 by Michael Gray When I started this blog a year or two ago, I created three categories that corresponded to my interests and engagements at the time:...