Balance is a Movement in Space and Time Posted on 04/19/2016 by Michael Gray Discovering a healthy balance in how we feel and act seems to be an on-going challenge. As soon as we think we have found...
Where am I? When am I? Posted on 11/10/2015 by Michael Gray Asking ourselves “who am I?” rarely moves us beyond the perspective of the familiar, for the simple reason that we see ourselves through the...
Graceful Aging. Posted on 09/29/2015 by Michael Gray When I started this blog a year or two ago, I created three categories that corresponded to my interests and engagements at the time:...
It’s the Road that’s Aging, not the Journey. Posted on 09/09/2015 by Michael Gray Things look different from different viewpoints, as we all discovered a few decades ago seeing our planet for the first time from space. A...