The MS Fall (a poem by Ken McKeon)

The Rhythm of Rising and Falling

It feels so much better to recognize something we can do with challenging issues, than to document our vulnerability to the inevitable, insurmountable and chronic.

But sometimes we need to ground our understanding in what is happening in our lives in order to remain standing above the actual:

The MS Fall (Ken McKeon)

When my forehead breaks to the right,
Falling is a given,
It will happen,

I know this all the way
Into the wall, down
Onto the floor or ground,

And then I fall further,
Into fear, doubt, shame.
Each of these

Opens now more fully,
And as I look
Inside, what I see

Shakes me up,
There’s not
Anything I can do.

The brain’s wrap has cracked,
Hardened, yet somehow
Messages stagger through,

And the body hears, tries
To stand, does stand, will
Stand, for a while longer.


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