Four Horses at Four Gates Posted on 01/21/2024 by Michael Gray My father would have turned 113 this past Thursday. I took his support for our family for granted while he was alive. If he...
The Little Engine Posted on 11/12/2023 by Michael Gray “Until now, I have not been treated well, not by myself and not by the circumstances and conditions I have chosen to accept as...
We’re not Alone Posted on 10/23/2023 by Michael Gray I’m trying to piece together a way of looking at our world that offers a path for me to participate in the healing of...
What Can I learn from it all? Posted on 10/14/2023 by Michael Gray In the arena of international relations, ‘friends’ seem to be defined as whomever is on the other side of those who are perceived as...
Who Made Me Their Judge? Posted on 10/02/2023 by Michael Gray If we have installed a dictatorial authority over our own thoughts, it shouldn’t be surprising when our lives feel driven by uncaring forces. If...
Learning to Fly Posted on 09/04/2023 by Michael Gray I live in a loft above a chicken coup. I would gladly live inside with my sisters, but whenever the farmer catches a glimpse...
Independence, but from What? Posted on 08/24/2023 by Michael Gray I have to remind myself to feel grateful that I live in a country which has enshrined in its founding documents the ideals of...
Kip’s Favorite Joke Posted on 06/16/2023 by Michael Gray I attended two Celebrations of Life this past week. The two people whose lives were celebrated, Pat and Kip, both lived lives which I...
The Falling Leaves Posted on 06/04/2023 by Michael Gray When a friend passes on, we are likely to run into spaces in our thoughts and feelings where we realize that a touchstone is...
Charades for One Posted on 05/28/2023 by Michael Gray On the bus ride home from his weekly supper at the Rising Sun Café, he was only half listening to the sound of passing...