Raven Knows Posted on 12/09/2024 by Michael Gray A trunk by itself is nothing Concentric circles locked in place Big zeros and little zeros Marking time, polarizing space But add branches, add...
The Wind has Returned. Posted on 03/26/2019 by Michael Gray You may have been here last week, rifling the wind chimes, disturbing the sleepy quiet of branches as they open to the Spring Equinox...
Whither Saileth the Rain? Posted on 03/19/2019 by Michael Gray When rain falls, the gutters run. If it rains for a while, the lawns perk up, the trees drink, the gutters reach out to...
Collaboration Posted on 03/17/2015 by Michael Gray Did the first egg roll down the hill, hatch, and then cross the road? Or did the first chicken cross the road and lay...
Love Thy Neighbor Posted on 12/02/2014 by Michael Gray Our children and grandchildren will live in a future that we are now creating. So why aren’t we trying to leave them a more...