Which Came First? Posted on 07/06/2023 by Michael Gray For years now, the old conundrum of “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” has dangled the mystery of the universe before my...
Mr. Quantum and Ms. Universe Posted on 09/30/2019 by Michael Gray Imagine that there is a massive body (Earth) orbiting a more massive body (Sun) and orbited by a smaller body (Moon); and that, strange...
The Saddle Horn is not the Prairie Posted on 01/03/2018 by Michael Gray “Located at a specific point in time and confined to a certain kind of knowing, the self has reasons for ‘measuring out’ events as...
Spontaneity and Wholeness. Posted on 05/10/2016 by Michael Gray Coming home to the potential of our lives, we see that everything we try to hold on to is a seed, blown in from...
Original Thinking Posted on 05/05/2015 by Michael Gray We all know that polluting the land, the water, and the air—and treating fellow creatures as unfeeling resources to be exploited–is wrong and unsustainable....